Juan Quintero

Juan Quintero

Department of Computer Science
Chair of Computer Science 1 (IT Security Infrastructures)


I’m a PhD student at  Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, based at Uniscon GmbH (Munich). My research focuses on User Acceptance and Usability of the Sealed Cloud Concept in privacy applications, where Usage-Based Insurance (UBI) is the chosen scenario. I’m originally from Colombia and have a degree in Computer Science, and a Master degree from Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia. In addition I’ve a second Master’s degree in Information and Communication Systems Security from European University of Madrid, Spain. Since 2006, I’ve been working with many different software companies, in variety of businesses (insurance, healthcare, education, sales, royalties), utilising multiple software processes and methodologies. At the same time, I’ve been researching in Digital Signature, Privacy, Dynamic Binary Instrumentation (DBI), Steganography, Cryptography, and Big Data. I have extensive experience in every stage of the software process, specifically: analysis, design, implementation, development, testing, deployment, support, and consulting

Research Interests

Privacy, Usability, User Acceptance, Privacy-Enhancing Technologies, Cryptography, Big Data, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence
