Women: The future of forensic computing?
Workshop at DFRWS EU 2019
April 24, 2019, National Criminal Investigation Service (KRIPOS), Oslo, Norway

The aim of this workshop was to increase awareness and appreciation of the achievements of women in the area of forensic computing/digital forensics. This workshop wishes to be a forum to help women build their technical confidence and thereby attract more female researchers to the field. This year’s workshop also included room for discussion regarding similar future events and provided possibilities for community building. Suggestions for followup activities and possible invited speakers at future events can be sent to the organizers.
14:00 Welcome (Katrin Franke and Felix Freiling)
14:15 Daryl Pfeif (Digital Forensics Solutions, USA): The Cyber Sleuth Lab Project
14:45 Luisa Verdoliva (University Federico II of Naples, Italy): New challenges in multimedia forensics
15:15 Lightning talks by participants on their current research work (1 minute, no slides)
15:30 Coffee Break
15:45 Marion Liegl (independent expert witness, SEICpro, Germany): Digital forensics analyst – more than just a job
16:15 Vinti Agarwal (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway): Role of representation learning in cyber threat intelligence
16:45 The way forward (ideas for next year’s workshop)
- Felix Freiling, FAU, Germany
- Katrin Franke, NTNU, Norway
Workshop is supported by the office of Gender and Diversity of Friedrich-Alexander-Universität (FAU).